Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom


Are you a huge fan of Studio Ghibli movies like Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and My Neighbor Totoro? Ever wondered if you can take part in amazing adventures like these? Are you a JRPG fan, but want more than just to beat up enemies? Well, look no further, for Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the game that answers all these questions!

To The King!!

Ni No Kuni 2 offers a whole lot of gameplay. Aside from its main JRPG “hack-and-slash” gameplay, the game also has features similar to strategy games like Civilization. One can experience leading an army through skirmishes, hire key citizens for the growing kingdom, and establish buildings to make life easier. Though the added variety of gameplay might defeat the main flavor of JRPG gaming, Ni No Kuni 2 carefully weaves them together to make a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience. In short, Ni No Kuni 2 is an unorthodox JRPG experience.
Higgle Combat1

A Playable Ghibli Adventure?

One huge thing that I loved about Ni No Kuni 2 is the atmosphere. As I progressed through the game I got to meet all kinds of people who aided me in my adventures and kingdom building. Most of these people have features and characteristics similar to the characters in movies made by Studio Ghibli. Even the places in Ni No Kuni 2 feel like they’re from the Ghibli movies. And that’s not all—Joe Hisaishi, one of the most iconic anime music composers, beautifully incorporated his music into the game. All in all, Ni No Kuni 2 is like the ultimate Ghibli game that you could ask for. Although, I sometimes wish that the game could give more character development to these people so that I can get to love them more.

They seem familiar… it’s like they came from Princess Mononoke!!


Uh, I think this place is from Spirited Away.


Lessons Learned?

The adventure of King Evan and friends taught me a lot of lessons. One value that constantly revolves around the game is the importance of acceptance. To be honest, the story had parts where things became really out of this world, far more that anyone can comprehend. And yet, the characters still accepted the situation, focused on dealing with it, and moved on. The game taught me that sometimes the weird and mysterious can be just as normal if we accept them in our lives.
  Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is an enchanting adventure and a great addition to the collection of JRPGs. The story offers a wide variety of gameplay and can be played as a standalone even if you didn’t play the first Ni No Kuni game. I just hope that they can give this game the DLCs it deserves, because there are still tons of mysteries lying around the lore of the Ni No Kuni Series. Rate: 9.4/10
image credits: giphy,, The Tech Revolutionist,

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