About YoZeik

Animated Scholar!

There And Back Again

I have returned!! Two Cents is alive again!

First of all, I apologize that I haven’t written new entries since the very beginning of 2019. The main reason was that I focused more on my studies, for I am on my graduating year. For the first six months, I literally shut down some extracurricular activities to focus more on finishing my final year as a college student.



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One Year, New Year

December 21, 2017 was the day I decided to make a simple blog about my video games and anime experiences. I decided to do this to help me remember the awesome games I played and the anime I watched.

Though my content was simple, this blog helped me enjoy my past-times amidst the hectic schedules and requirements as a college music student. Continue reading

Spider-Man PS4


The gaming industry has gone through a lot of Spider-Man games in various consoles made by a lot of different developers. Thus, I can say that the game’s web-slinging theme is one of the most used concept in the history of video games. However, with the release of the latest Spider-Man made by Insomniac Games exclusively for the PS4, they made super hero games to a whole new level.
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Gacha Spotlight: Dragalia Lost

  Gacha has been a popular aspect in gaming especially in mobile gadgets. The thrill of trying your luck and hoping to draw the best character waifu in your account is always there. While there’s already a lineup of amazing gacha games out there, suddenly Nintendo and Cygames–an already popular Japanese game developer–decided to team up to make a next level game, and that is Dragalia Lost. Combining the all-favorite gameplay aspects of Nintendo and the gacha reputation of Cygames made Dragalia Lost one of the most hyped mobile games out there.

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Flavors of Youth


We all know that life is a one hectic ride. Routines from work, pressures from school, and stress from people sometimes drive us crazy. However, it is also true that within these moments are the times that we begin to realize our true desires and joys in life. Flavors of Youth—an anime anthology exclusively presented by Netflix—describes those moments in one amazing film. Continue reading

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom


Are you a huge fan of Studio Ghibli movies like Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and My Neighbor Totoro? Ever wondered if you can take part in amazing adventures like these? Are you a JRPG fan, but want more than just to beat up enemies? Well, look no further, for Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the game that answers all these questions!

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Final Fantasy XV

When I hear the word RPG, one of the first things that will come to my mind is definitely Final Fantasy. This series by Square Enix became one of the biggest examples of role playing games in the history of entertainment. For decades, Final Fantasy always gives us memorable adventures and amazing characters that all of us can love.
Christmas, 2016 came with one of the greatest games created by Square Enix yet—Final Fantasy XV. It took almost a decade of work, but they finally released the largest and most amazing Final Fantasy game yet.

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Skilled Teaser Takagi-san

The Winter 2018 season has given us a huge variety of awesome anime with different genres that we can all enjoy. From action-packed mecha battles, to tear-jerking life stories, to just nonsense comedy, everything can be seen in this season’s list. For now, as the Winter 2018 anime closes, let’s check out another series.

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