A Whisker Away


Netflix always comes up with surprising movies and series to stream–from French, to Spanish, and other hidden gems of shows. Of course, Netflix also releases tons of  favorite & new anime regularly, and that includes the newest movie A Whisker Away, directed by the famous Junichi Sato. Continue reading

Hello World


Hello World is a movie that surprised everyone in the anime scene. The movie has a standalone plot directed by Tomohoko Ito (aka the creator of Sword Art Online)  and animated by Graphinica–a really good maker of CGI anime. The timing of Hello World was a bit unusual, releasing just a few months after the world renowned Weathering With You. Still, the movie still gave a good charm amidst the “obstacles” they were facing. Continue reading

Flavors of Youth


We all know that life is a one hectic ride. Routines from work, pressures from school, and stress from people sometimes drive us crazy. However, it is also true that within these moments are the times that we begin to realize our true desires and joys in life. Flavors of Youth—an anime anthology exclusively presented by Netflix—describes those moments in one amazing film. Continue reading

Skilled Teaser Takagi-san

The Winter 2018 season has given us a huge variety of awesome anime with different genres that we can all enjoy. From action-packed mecha battles, to tear-jerking life stories, to just nonsense comedy, everything can be seen in this season’s list. For now, as the Winter 2018 anime closes, let’s check out another series.

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Violet Evergarden

Kyoto Animation has always been famous for animating really awesome anime. Every now and then, the company creates the cutest girls in the anime world, with most of them becoming waifu material. And aside from the lovable characters, every series they made always had a lasting impact in the hearts of the ones who watched them. Violet Evergarden is their newest creation for the year 2018, and it is definitely a masterpiece that proves that KyoAni never fails to mesmerize us.

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Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond


With Fall 2017 season coming to an end, a lot of great anime series gave us the time of our lives. We saw new seasons of favorite anime classics and even new amazing ones that surprised all the fans. But for now, we’re going to look at one of the overlooked series of the anime world, Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond, or also known as Kekkai Sensen & Beyond. Continue reading