Final Fantasy XV

When I hear the word RPG, one of the first things that will come to my mind is definitely Final Fantasy. This series by Square Enix became one of the biggest examples of role playing games in the history of entertainment. For decades, Final Fantasy always gives us memorable adventures and amazing characters that all of us can love.
Christmas, 2016 came with one of the greatest games created by Square Enix yet—Final Fantasy XV. It took almost a decade of work, but they finally released the largest and most amazing Final Fantasy game yet.

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Detective Pikachu


Are you a fan of being a detective like Sherlock Holmes, but you ended up being a Pokémon Trainer? Do you sometimes wish that you can have a Pikachu who is just as talkative as Meowth in the anime? Is being the greatest Pokémon Trainer in the whole region becoming tiring? Then Detective Pikachu is for you!!

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Monster Hunter: World


The Monster Hunter universe has always been one of the biggest series in the gaming world of Japan. The series hopped from console to console in the past years, from the Sony PS2 and PSP, to the Nintendo 3DS and Switch. With the newest release of Monster Hunter World for the PS4 and Xbox One, the game again continues to amaze me. Continue reading



Let’s face it. Games with underwater puzzles are pretty stressful. We worry about drowning, annoying fish enemies, and even confusing controls. But fear not, ABZÛ will change that mindset. Created by Giant Squid in late 2016, ABZÛ is an indie game, taking you in a breathtaking underwater adventure of a lifetime. If you enjoyed the beautiful graphics of Journey from the PS3, you’ll definitely love ABZÛ. Continue reading

Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon!


Ever since the release of Pokemon Sun/Moon, I was ever amazed by the breathtaking scenery of the Alola Region. Following the tradition of an alternate story like that of Pokemon Crystal & Platinum, Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon focuses more on the alternate story set in the the same world, thus immersing you into a deeper story than Sun/Moon. Continue reading