How I got a PlayStation 5: PH Edition

Let me tell you a story on how I got my PlayStation 5. *insert fairy tale intro music*

So here in the Philippines, getting a PS5 is extremely hard. Well, maybe not if you’re super rich. You see, there are a number of third-party sellers here that buy in bulk from foreign countries, then sell them (both digital and disc ver.) for double the price, ranging from 40,000php to 60,000php ($800-$1,200) per unit.

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There And Back Again

I have returned!! Two Cents is alive again!

First of all, I apologize that I haven’t written new entries since the very beginning of 2019. The main reason was that I focused more on my studies, for I am on my graduating year. For the first six months, I literally shut down some extracurricular activities to focus more on finishing my final year as a college student.



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One Year, New Year

December 21, 2017 was the day I decided to make a simple blog about my video games and anime experiences. I decided to do this to help me remember the awesome games I played and the anime I watched.

Though my content was simple, this blog helped me enjoy my past-times amidst the hectic schedules and requirements as a college music student. Continue reading

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to yozeik two-cents! This is where you’ll be able to read features and reviews of video games & anime of all sorts!

The purpose of my blog is to present my two cents, or any two notable things of what makes the game or anime really worth it. I’ll be discussing my honest opinions on the featured games or anime. I might not be focusing much on what is trending, but instead I will be talking about the what I have personally enjoyed and experienced. Continue reading